School normally starts in July, and still will year; yet due to the Covid-19 situation, classes are going to be online or through take-home modules. Students will enroll soon for the upcoming school year; parents/guardians are busy getting cards and seeing teachers. There is still a lot of confusion about what exactly will happen this year, but kudos to the Department of Education – classes will go on! Firstly, let me thank the sponsors for helping kids throughout the summer. I had asked that, as much as possible, your sponsorships would continue. The money given during the summer helped their families with basic needs. Besides that, we were able to raise an additional $1,020 that was used for rice and other foodstuffs. Now, as students are preparing for classes, online, or by take-home module, please continue to support them (if your financial situation allows.) You know how much this means in the lives of these kids, and in eternity.“Educate a Child, Help Alleviate Poverty.”


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